Nomad couple

Apr 2018

Commit to Master Branch on GitHub Using Travis CI

I’m trying to turn my pet project to find visa requirements for couples, Nomad Couple, into a full-fledged progressive web app (PWA) that has regularly updated visa requirements data (from Wikipedia) through a Travis CI cron job.

As part of that, I’ve set up the wiki scraper repo to be rebuilt every month and any changes in the visa requirements for citizens of different countries (available in dist/output) to be automatically committed back to the master branch.

Attempt #1 - Travis’ Github Pages deployment

I noticed that Travis CI offers automated deployment to GitHub Pages via configuration in .travis.yml. By default, it commits code to the gh-pages branch, but the configuration has a target_branch property to customize it. This is the configuration I tried

language: node_js
  - "lts/*"

# ...
# Unrelated configuration for node.js/electron project
# ...

  - npm run scrape
  provider: pages
  skip-cleanup: true
  target-branch: master # Commit to master instead of gh-pages
  github-token: $GH_TOKEN
  keep-history: true # By default, Travis uses push --force and wipes out commit history
  verbose: true
    branch: master

The GH_TOKEN mentioned in the config refers to a token generated (with public_repo permission) on the GitHub personal access tokens page that I’ve saved on Travis CI as an environment variable.

While this was super easy to set up, it has a few issues.


  1. This approach is dependent on Travis CI’s GitHub Pages support. You’re out of luck if you’re using a different Git hosting provider or your own Git server.
  2. Travis listens for commits on the master branch and triggers a build. Since the commit at build time is pushed back to master, this triggers an infinite build loop[1]!
  3. It’s not possible (as of Apr 2018) to customize the commit message. This rules out adding "[skip ci]" to the commit message to avoid the infinite loop.

Attempt #2 - Good ol’ shell script

Travis supports after_success, a hook that is called when the build succeeds. I replaced the deploy section in .travis.yml above with:

- sh

# Credit:

setup_git() {
  git config --global ""
  git config --global "Travis CI"

commit_country_json_files() {
  git checkout master
  # Current month and year, e.g: Apr 2018
  dateAndMonth=`date "+%b %Y"`
  # Stage the modified files in dist/output
  git add -f dist/output/*.json
  # Create a new commit with a custom build message
  # with "[skip ci]" to avoid a build loop
  # and Travis build number for reference
  git commit -m "Travis update: $dateAndMonth (Build $TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER)" -m "[skip ci]"

upload_files() {
  # Remove existing "origin"
  git remote rm origin
  # Add new "origin" with access token in the git URL for authentication
  git remote add origin https://vinaygopinath:${GH_TOKEN} > /dev/null 2>&1
  git push origin master --quiet



# Attempt to commit to git only if "git commit" succeeded
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  echo "A new commit with changed country JSON files exists. Uploading to GitHub"
  echo "No changes in country JSON files. Nothing to do"

TODO: If you’re using Travis on public GitHub repositories, your build log is publicly visible. If there are any Git related errors, it is possible that the origin URL (with your GitHub personal access token with access to ALL your public repositories) may be logged, which is a huge security risk. It is strongly recommended to redirect the output of all git commands to /dev/null (e.g, git push origin master --quiet > /dev/null 2>&1) once you’ve verified that the script works for your repo.


Jul 2016

Nomad Couple

I’m Indian, and my girlfriend is Polish. We love travelling and we’d like to visit a lot of places, but there are surprisingly few countries that I can visit without a visa. Getting a visa can be tedious. (Quite often, I’ve had to personally visit consulates and submit bank account statements, travel insurance and cover letters along with my visa application form). Finding countries that allow both of us to visit without a visa or obtain a visa on arrival is hard. That’s why it occurred to me to build Nomad Couple, a website that provides information on visa requirements for couples.

Nomad Couple home page

Nomad Couple search results

The site was built as an experiment with Angular2. I set up the repo using angular-cli, a wonderful tool that makes it easy to build an Angular2 site and deploy it on GitHub Pages. Having spent some time in the “Javascript fatigue”-inducing React ecosystem, it’s refreshing to be able to set up a project and get going quickly with angular-cli. (Side note: It looks like Facebook is finally acknowledging how complex it is to get started with a React app by creating its own CLI tool).

At the moment, the site groups countries based on visa requirements and links to WikiVoyage pages. I’d like to provide more information on each country through multiple data sources, the abilitiy to add links and pictures, and a Disqus comments section.

The data for the site was scraped from Wikipedia’s “Visa requirements for X citizens” pages. The source code for the scraper is available here.