
Apr 2016

Jekyll updates

I’ve been exploring the Jekyll ecosystem over the past couple of weeks, and consider me sold - I really like the simplicity of building a static site with pages, posts and collections. I know that neither Jekyll nor Ghost will dethrone WordPress as the layman’s choice of CMS, but given all of the work coming out of the node.js and Ruby camps, WordPress has got some stiff competition, and deservedly so.

Project Structure

While setting up a new Jekyll 3.0-powered site based on the Lanyon theme wasn’t hard, choosing a project structure that works for me took some time. I wanted my posts to be grouped within folders based on the category name, so I use this structure

    - tech
    - travel

If you use Octopress, it’s easy to create a new post in a category with this command

   #Create a new post with the title "Post Title"
   #in the "tech" category with the current date
   octopress new post "Post Title" -D tech

To maintain consistency, my _pages folder is organized like this:

     - tech
       - index.html
     - travel
       - index.html

To get Jekyll to process these files, I had to add _pages to my include array in _config.yml

include: ["_pages"]


I found that I needed Octopress and octopress-paginate to set up paginated categories. I created a new file in _layouts called category-page.html with this content

layout: default
{% raw %}
<div class="page">
  <h1 class="page-title">{{ page.paginate.category }}
      {% if > 1 %}
        - Page {{}}
      {% endif %}

  <div class="posts">
    {% assign index = true %}
    {% for post in paginator.posts %}
    {% assign content = post.content %}
    <div class="post">
        <h2 class="post-title">
          <a href="{{ post.url }}">
            {{ post.title }}
        <span class="post-date">{{ | date_to_string }}</span>
        {{ post.excerpt }}
    {% unless post == paginator.posts.last %}
    {% endunless %}
    {% endfor %}

    <div class="pagination">
      {% if paginator.next_page %}
      <a class="pagination-item older" href="{{paginator.next_page_path}}">Older</a>
      {% else %}
      <span class="pagination-item older">Older</span>
      {% endif %}
      {% if paginator.previous_page %}
      {% if == 2 %}
      <a class="pagination-item newer" href="/{{page.paginate.category}}">Newer</a>
      {% else %}
      <a class="pagination-item newer" href="{{paginator.previous_page_path}}">Newer</a>
      {% endif %}
      {% else %}
      <span class="pagination-item newer">Newer</span>
      {% endif %}
{% endraw %}

Setting up a paginated category page is simply a matter of using layout: category-page. For example, this is my _pages/tech/index.html

layout: category-page
title: Tech
permalink: "/tech/"
  category: "tech"


I’m a big fan of SASS, and I was happy to discover that Jekyll has built-in support for SASS. I’ve also taken to inlining critical CSS (this long and insightful talk by Addy Osmani helped me see the light) and I wanted to set it up for my site. A little bit of Google-fu led me to this gist and this post that solved my problem without having to use Grunt or Gulp.

Deploying to Github Pages

Lastly, since this site is hosted on Github Pages and Github approves a limited set of plugins (Octopress not being one of them), I had to resort to manually building and deploying my site. This can be done by setting up a _deploy.yml according to the specification here and running

   octopress deploy

Warning: Be sure to have a clean working environment by stashing/committing your files before running this command. I accidentally published a bunch of temp posts I’d created to test pagination because they were present (untracked , not stashed or committed) in the _posts folder and they ended up in the resulting Jekyll build. That’s what you get for not reading the manual

Pagespeed insights score for the site: 99/100 on both mobile and desktop

Feb 2016



Ghost is just not enough! I’d heard good things about Jekyll for sometime now, so I decided to check things out and host my blog on Github Pages.

I ran into a few issues

  • Github Pages does not support setting a custom domain for a user site (master branch) without affecting all project sites (gh-pages branch) of that account. I wanted to added the custom domain to the blog repository while keeping the demo site for ngMeta, but apparently that is not possible with GitHub. A support member suggested that I set up my blog as a project repo, as a workaround for the all-or-nothing redirection.

  • Jekyll does not seem to have support for paginated categories. I intend to split this blog into categories like travel, tech and other. While it is possible to list out posts in a category, pagination does not support categories just yet. I hope a future release adds this feature. I’m not sure about the Jekyll community ecosystem - perhaps there’s a plugin that already does this.